Monday, August 6, 2018



  • 1 block extra firm tofu extra firm
  • 1/2 tablespoon vegetable oil
  • 1 teaspoon brown rice syrup
  • 1 teaspoon soy sauce
  • 1/8 teaspoon salt


  1. Slice the block of tofu length-wise into approximately 1/4" thick pieces.
  2. Heat the vegetable oil on medium to high heat in a frying pan. While the oil is heating up, sprinkle some salt on the tofu and rub it (gently) on each surface before placing it into the frying pan. The salt helps the tofu to brown.
  3. Pan fry the tofu at medium to high heat until it browns on both sides. Meanwhile, combine soy sauce and rice syrup to make the teriyaki sauce.
  4. When the tofu is done, turn down to low heat (or even turn off the heat if your pan is very hot) and pour in the sauce.
  5. Flip and move your tofu around to make sure that the sauce coats all the tofu.
  6. Let the liquid reduce and as it reduces, the liquid will turn into a sticky sauce that adheres to the tofu. That's when you know it's done!

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